Cup & Pen


Privacy, do we know what that is anymore?

Or are we growing in an age where it is expected that we get less and less of this?

People on screens nowadays everywhere, many on apps, the web, social networks, and more.

We are tracked, maybe not personally identified at all times, but tracked nonetheless.

I, of course, write here, then post it to the web. My ISP knows or possibly can track what I am doing. The browser I use can (in theory) track what I am viewing if desired.

I search for something I can be tracked via the search engine provider. I walk in public there are cameras on street corners that can potentially identify me via facial recognition, I am tracked. I use a credit card to pay for a coffee at my local coffee shop, I can be tracked.

Can you go about your day without being tracked anymore in some way?

For the average person, I think not. If you really wanted to, you probably could, but would have to go to extreme measures.

I'll just sit in my apartment windows closed, candles on, and read a paperback book. Then maybe I can get some privacy. I play, but this is reality, you will be tracked.